This document governs the general terms and conditions of service to which the company Iscot Italia SpA, Via Isonzo 22, 10141 Turin, VAT number 09464770016 (hereinafter "Iscot") will provide the service called "Corrieri per Privati" (hereinafter the "Service").

1 Description of service

The Service provided by Iscot consists of receiving and delivering shipments, concerning the material privately purchased by the employees of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles S.p.A. (hereinafter "FCA GROUP") and CNH Industrial S.p.A. (hereinafter "CNH I"), with a place of employment in Turin (hereinafter the "Employees").
In order to be able to use the service, the FCA GROUP employee or CNH I must purchase the appropriate CARD, valid for the entire duration of the Service.
CARDs can be purchased at the Employee's discretion, in one of the ways and terms provided by the Service (bank transfer, credit card), in denominations of 5 VOUCHER at the price of € 12.50 or 10 VOUCHER at a price of € 23.00 .
The single VOUCHER can be used for the collection of a single shipment with the following characteristics: one courier, one supplier, one or more packages.
In the event of termination of the Service by Iscot, the validity of the CARD is guaranteed until its exhaustion regardless of the Service provider Company.
To access the Service, the employee must have already paid in full both the product to be delivered and the shipping costs. In no case may Iscot be required to pay any sum for the taking over of the product, therefore the use of the Service for cash on delivery or in any case with economic costs borne by the recipient is excluded.

2 Shipments subject

The Employee may not use the service provided by Iscot to receive products with a volume greater than 0.2 cubic meters (with a longer side not exceeding 1.8 meters) and / or weighing more than 20 kg and / or an economic value greater than Euro 1,000.00 unless express written permission of Iscot for products of greater volume and / or weight and / or value.
It is understood that, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 8, Iscot will not be liable for damages relating to transport and / or regulatory violations committed by the Sender.

3 Items not allowed or allowed only under certain conditions

Without prejudice to the provisions of the possible restrictions indicated by the individual Sender, are not permitted objects prohibited by law or considered dangerous based on national or international laws or which by their nature and / or packaging can represent damage to man, environment or damage to other transported shipments or items subject to IATA restrictions, as well as goods whose transport is prohibited by any law, regulation or statute pro tempore issued by any federal, state or local government of any country to or from which the shipment can be carried out, as well as all materials that require compliance with specific regulations for their transport (for example special or hazardous waste).
It is not allowed to send weapons or parts of them, explosive, infectious, flammable, radioactive substances, live animals, precious animals, money, valuables as well as easily perishable material and, in any case, having a shorter deadline than the storage time foreseen in the following article.
Iscot reserves the right to refuse the withdrawal that is not in accordance with the requirements or the restrictions mentioned above.
If the discrepancy emerges after receipt of the shipment, Iscot reserves the right to notify the competent authorities and to refuse delivery as well as subsequent withdrawals against the same Employee.
It is the responsibility of the employee receiving the shipment to inquire in advance about the possibilities of import and export (prohibitions, quarantine, limitations concerning pharmaceutical products, etc.) and documents (certificate of origin, commercial invoice, health certificate, licenses, authorizations for quarantine of animal, vegetable and food products) required by the destination country.

4 Delivery methods and times

Upon arrival of the shipment, Iscot will identify the recipient Employees, advising them of the arrival of the package by sending an e-mail or contacting them on the telephone number provided, in accordance with the authorizations for the processing of personal data provided by the consignee of the shipment. This operation will be carried out in the morning, so as to make it possible to pick up the time slot (12.00 - 14.30).
For afternoon deliveries, Iscot will notify the recipients for collection on the following day.
In the event that Iscot, after contacting the Employee recipient of the shipment, realizes that no shipment is expected by the employee himself, Iscot will immediately inform the Operational Security Officer of the district to share with him the further appropriate investigations.
At the time of payment and collection of the selected CARD, the employee must indicate an e-mail address and / or a telephone number to Iscot, so that he can be contacted for the subsequent collection and receipt of the shipment and allow the completion of the Service.
The Employee who cannot go in person to pick up the package, can delegate a colleague to withdraw on his behalf, provided that he is provided with the appropriate voucher and delegation signed by the Employee, containing indication / copy of the corporate card of the Employee recipient of the package .

5 Storage

The maximum storage time for each shipment received is one (1) month. During the period of storage, and in case of failure to collect the package after the first notice, Iscot will provide to make new communication to the employee. If, despite the first and any further subsequent communications to the employee, the package is not collected, after 1 month from the date of collection of the shipment, Iscot reserves the right, subject to direct or indirect control by subjects appointed for the purpose, to dispose of the goods received also through the charities present in the territory.

6 Return to the sender

Under no circumstances is Iscot to return the shipment to the sender.

7 Complaints

Without prejudice to the hypotheses of liability referred to in article 8 below, the Employee must advance in writing within 8 days from the date of collection any claim or exception of complaint or reimbursement against Iscot.

8 Responsibilities and limitations of liability of Iscot

Iscot's liability towards the Employee starts from the moment of taking delivery of the shipment, which will be sent to the offices where the Service is active.
Iscot will only be liable for damages that are a direct and immediate consequence of its conduct and for the period between the taking over of the package and its delivery to the Employee or to a person delegated to the latter.
Iscot is not liable in cases of non-fulfillment of the Service for reasons not attributable to it, as well as the delay, loss, total or partial damage, tampering with items not allowed for reasons attributable to the Sender.
Without prejudice to the individual hypotheses of responsibility of the Sender, in the event that the execution of the service was delayed, prevented or hindered by force majeure, or by any other event / cause, none excluded, not directly attributable to Iscot, the execution itself is considered suspended for a period equivalent to the duration of the exemption proceedings.
"Force majeure" means any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of Iscot and, therefore, by way of example and not exhaustively, refers to: acts of public authority, wars, revolutions, civil uprisings or riots, lockouts, strikes or other industrial disputes, blockages or embargoes, interruptions in the supply of electricity, floods, natural disasters, epidemics.
Iscot will not in any case be liable to the employee for delays, malfunctions or interruptions of the Service caused by incorrect communication by the Employee of the data necessary for the execution of the Service or incorrect use of the Service by the same.
Iscot is also not liable for delays due to customs clearance, inability to deliver or customs problems (incorrect, insufficient documentation, incorrect or missing tax information, etc.).
In no event will Iscot be liable for indirect damages of any kind (by way of example, loss of profits, loss of profits, customers, image, etc.) that the Employee may suffer on the occasion of and / or consequently of the performed service, regardless of the circumstance that it could and / or was aware of the occurrence of such losses and / or damages.
It is therefore excluded the possibility for the Employee to be able to advance any claim against Iscot.

9 Employee Responsibilities

With the purchase of the CARD, the Employee expressly declares to accept the present general conditions of Service and undertakes in particular to:
a) not to use the Service to contravene directly or indirectly the current laws of the Italian State or any other State;
b) assume all broad responsibility for the contents of shipments received, with express exemption from Iscot from any responsibility and burden of verification and / or control in this regard;
c) release and hold Iscot harmless from any loss, damage, liability, costs, charges and expenses, including any legal fees, as a result of failure to comply with current regulations or any failure by the employee to fulfill his obligations and to the guarantees provided and in any case connected to the service;
d) to indemnify and hold Iscot harmless from customs duties, penalties, charges or expenses deriving from customs intervention or due to inadequacy of the documentation, licenses and permits required for the shipment, or deriving from the destruction or return of shipments that cannot be delivered to the recipient ;
e) relieve and hold Iscot harmless from any impediment, negligence or inexperience put in place by the sender in the performance of his transport operations;
f) the employee, after having collected the material received, undertakes not to open and / or tamper with the package until the site is exited. At the time of the exit, he must declare the material to the surveillance staff, who will take note and check that the packaging has not been opened. In the event that the casing is intact it will allow the exit without further checks, in the case in which the casing has been opened and inside there is material potentially referable to the company, the surveillance personnel could proceed with the withdrawal until demonstrating the actual ownership of the same.

10 Processing of personal data

The data provided by Employees will be processed in order to be able to provide the Service and contact Employees to provide them with technical and commercial information relating to the Service.
The data will be processed on paper and electronically and, in particular, by e-mail, telephone, SMS and the Internet through a website.
The provision of personal data is always optional, however, in the absence of data marked as "mandatory", the requested Service cannot be provided. Failure to provide the remaining data not marked as "mandatory" will still allow the Service to be obtained.

Subjects that can learn about your data

Personal data will not be disclosed to other parties, nor will they be disseminated.
However, personal data may be disclosed to third parties to fulfill legal obligations, or to comply with orders from public authorities, tax and civil laws or to exercise a right in court.

Data controller

The Data Controller and Data Processor is: Iscot Italia S.p.A., Via Isonzo 22, 10141 Turin. Email:

Purpose of the treatment

The Personal Data are collected for the following purposes and using the following services: Sale of the Service, Statistics, System Log and maintenance of the Internet site used to provide the Service.
Information not contained in this policy
More information in relation to the processing of Personal Data may be requested at any time from the Data Controller using the contact information.

Exercise of rights by users

The subjects to whom the Personal Data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of their existence from the Data Controller, to know their content and origin, to verify their accuracy or request their integration , the cancellation, updating, rectification, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of Personal Data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment. Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by notifying Users on this page. Please therefore consult this page often, taking as reference the date of last modification indicated at the bottom. In case of non-acceptance of the changes made to this privacy policy, the User is required to cease using this Application and may request the Data Controller to remove his Personal Data. Unless otherwise specified, the previous privacy policy will continue to apply to the Personal Data collected up to that point.

Legal references

This privacy statement has been prepared in fulfillment of the obligations provided for by EU Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and the related Legislative Decree 10 August 2018 n. 101 of transposition in Italy.

11 Jurisdiction

For any dispute concerning the execution and / or interpretation of these Terms of Service, the Court of Turin will have exclusive jurisdiction.